Highly fragrant lilies are not permitted in our local hospitals. Shop from our hospital-friendly selection to be sure that your loved one can enjoy their healing gift of flowers.
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Favorites in Hospital Friendly
Hospital Friendly
Locally, yes, our hospitals have chosen to restrict high scented lilies from patient rooms in hospitals.
People that suffer from allergies or scent can be bothered by too much fragrance, so much like latex, if it causes issues, it gets banned.
Flowers that can tolerate warmer temps and lack of humidity tend to perform best in a hospital room. Sunflowers, carnations, daisies, orchids are among some of the heartiest of blooms.
Flowers are not permitted in ICU patient rooms. You can however choose self flowers, balloons or other gift items to be delivered to the patient.
Hospitals currently restrict direct to room deliveries. Flowers and gifts instead are left with a staff person to direct them to the nurses station to then be delivered to the patient.